
Originally from Dublin, Ireland. Moved to London and then Leeds, England, I now live in Toronto, Canada. Oh and now back again. Anyway, you can take the woman out of Ireland but, you know the rest. Basically the stuff on here will be the same no matter where I am. Ramblings and rantings about stuff, some from Canada.Some of them really do say 'eh' ~~~~~ "ascertaining the comprehension, continued interest, agreement, etc., of the person or persons addressed"

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

That Girl Emily needs some help on the fury part.
I saw this picture on a website today.
Some clicking around later and the idea seems to be that it is some sort of marketing campaign.

It all started with a blog here.
That Girl Emily.

She starts a blog and less than 2 weeks later finds out that her husband Steven is having an affair with her best friend.

I have no idea if this is true (there are a lot of things to suggest it's not, the private investigator, the banner etc) but it's certainly getting a lot of traffic.
Over 64 thousand profile views.

The blog itself is just like a chick lit book. Bridget Jones with pilates.
If it is just some sort of viral marketing setup, so what ?
It was going well, until the latest thing.

The thing is, she says" It’s going to be 14 days of vengeance. 14 days of unbridled revenge. 14 days of Steven looking over his back to see what’s coming next. "
She starts with the banner, pretty good. Very public, got to be embarrassing.
Posts a video of the happy couple on YouTube, hands out flyers on the street calling him a dog.
Yep that's some vengeance.
She even gives away his wine collection. Not very original but still, that's got to at least annoy him.
That brings us to day -something- I don't know, I wasn't counting. What does she do ?
She knows his online passwords, so does she sign him up for every scam and spam on the internet? Send some sort of embarrassing email to everyone in his address book?
Her "unbridled revenge" is to mess with his fantasy baseball team.
That's it?
Come on Emily or team of marketers, a woman scorned and that all you've got?
His fantasy baseball team. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't scream *Vengeance* to me.
Am I missing something vital with the whole fantasy baseball thing?


At Fri Jul 21, 07:02:00 a.m., Blogger SkookumJoe said...

about as devious as tying his shoelaces in knots

At Fri Jul 21, 02:14:00 p.m., Blogger Sandra said...

Glueing his eyelids together would have been more entertaining, I would have thought.

At Fri Jul 21, 03:20:00 p.m., Blogger Kathy said...

I have to wonder if this is real- maybe someone doing "Chickblog" since they couldn't get published. At some point I have the feeling the press will pick this up- perfect for Keith Olbermann's show here in the US

Who had the pleasure of shredding her husband's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition as revenge

At Fri Jul 21, 05:33:00 p.m., Blogger Amanda said...

joe, good to have a male view on it.
Sandra you should write to her, she needs your ideas.
taffy- why can I not get to your blog? and don't know this Olbermann, what sort is he?

At Fri Jul 21, 08:11:00 p.m., Blogger Kathy said...

Don't know what is the problem with my blog- just tried it and it seemed fine. Am on my lunch hour now so I will check it when I get home.

As to Keith Olbermann- he will be the topic of a posting next week- love his show! He's on msnbc in the evening- very funny, but also covers the big stories very well- not beating Bill O'Reilly in the ratings. This blog you found would have definately be part of his "Oddball" segment.

Turns out the same billboard has been spotted in Chicago. It is a marketing thing- a friends husband works for Ad Age and they are trying to hunt it down.


At Fri Jul 21, 09:18:00 p.m., Blogger exile said...

why is it always the best friend? i mean, ick, i wouldn't wear my friend's underware let alone nail his chick

At Fri Jul 21, 09:22:00 p.m., Blogger Sandra said...

I don't believe that I have been cheated on with any of my friends, but I have been dumped three times on my birthday. The last was on my 30th, after 5 1/2 years. You might say that I have a vein of underexploited maliciousness.

At Fri Jul 21, 09:24:00 p.m., Blogger Sandra said...

It's actually a source of some amusement to me now, and is a good story to tell at parties.

At Sat Jul 22, 12:31:00 a.m., Blogger SkookumJoe said...

I prefer elegant solutions. Eg: it is enough to simply shave one half of one eybrow off, rather than the whole thing.

When issuing a contract on someone, include any threatening letters to combine postage - or simply fax it.

At Sat Jul 22, 12:41:00 a.m., Blogger Kathy said...


I was dumped on my 18th b-day. I was at college, my dad fly in and took my b-friend and I out to dinner at one of Chicago's best restuarants. Got back to the dorm and then....

I was also dumped during a party I was hosting for my friends to meet the guy. He thought dumping me then would make sure I didnt cause a scene.

Blog republished, so problems should be solved

At Sat Jul 22, 08:24:00 a.m., Blogger Amanda said...

her latest exploit is to dis-member his childhood teddy bear...
it's a bit traumatic.
Sandra, that's bad about the birthday thing but I think Joe has volunteered with a contract for you, and the guy who dumped Taffy during the party thrown for him, what a classy guy.
Spirit- it's very likely not a real-life situation, I wouldn't like to think it is anyway.
and Exile, nice image, thanks!

At Tue Aug 01, 04:38:00 a.m., Blogger Ben said...

All a hoax. Besides, if it we're not, emily would be in some deep shit, since she publically posted her vandalizing an expensive car.

Besides, where were all the supportive emails, since she has it disabled?


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