
Originally from Dublin, Ireland. Moved to London and then Leeds, England, I now live in Toronto, Canada. Oh and now back again. Anyway, you can take the woman out of Ireland but, you know the rest. Basically the stuff on here will be the same no matter where I am. Ramblings and rantings about stuff, some from Canada.Some of them really do say 'eh' ~~~~~ "ascertaining the comprehension, continued interest, agreement, etc., of the person or persons addressed"

Thursday, October 05, 2006

You've seen the rest............. now see more

I'd say that I've seen a sign but I'm not very good with signs. A combination of not great eyesight and dyslexia means I sometimes have to read things twice, even then I'm not seeing the same thing as everyone else.

Example, on our recent trip to New York State, quite a few of the roads were toll roads. Then, when we drove through some roadworks, a large sign at the side of the road declared: ' your tolls at work.'

What I read?

'Your trolls at work.'

I almost looked around for these industrious trolls, I've never seen a real troll.

Similar thing happens when I see other signs and notices. The supermarket had one on the emergency exit door. 'This door is alarmed.' Everyone else thinks, ok there is an alarm. I think, why is it upset, what happened to it?

The sign just before an escalator says 'dogs must be carried.' I think, but I don't have a dog, can I still use the escalator?

The label on the washing-up liquid bottle says 'approx 90 uses'. As hard as I try I can only come up with 2 or 3.

What was I talking about?
Yeah signs. The blog has had a few patches lately and that's because some days I really can't think what to post about. I'm not a 'writer' by nature. These blank days seem to be more common lately so I've decided that it's a sign (you knew I'd get to the point eventually) that maybe the old blog needs a bit more structure.

The blogs that I like to read are well written, funny and /or informative (see blogs by SkookumJoe, Sandra, Swearing Lady, himself, taffy and those others over there under my links).
In the absence of those elements I've thought of having a daily theme.
I'm still working it out but so far I've set on Wednesday being work day. The day of the week when I summarise what I have done in the previous 7 days to get a job. This will probably be quite boring so avoid Wednesdays if you like, I do think it will be good for me though.

Monday's from now on will be some sort of movie quiz. The last few of these have gone down like lead ballons, I don't care, I like them.
Tuesday is going to be Things You Might Not Know day. Either random general stuff or more personal.
Friday seems like a good day for Found on the Internets. All the stuff that distracts me from the things I should be doing.

Maybe Saturday and Sunday could be kept for my general ramblings and rantings.
Which just leaves Thursday.
Any suggestions?


At Sat Oct 07, 09:20:00 a.m., Blogger Steve said...

Your movie quizes rock!

How about a post on what you might do for fun on the weekend? Kind of like the 'what's on' section that is in the Toronto Star every Thursday... but personalized.

At Sat Oct 07, 03:32:00 p.m., Blogger Ashwin Alexander said...

Well, I actually like themeless, disordered blogs. I think online real estate doesn't have to be all designed and planned out.
But, yeah, Monday for movie quiz day!

At Sun Oct 08, 10:19:00 a.m., Blogger SkookumJoe said...

liked the dishwashing quip

like the movie trivia, waiting for one I know.

like to speak in short sentences.
makes me feel important.

At Sun Oct 08, 05:15:00 p.m., Blogger Kathy said...

My all time favorite sign-
Outside the Sheridan/Chase Motel at the above corners in Chicago (and no, this place is not the Ritz Carlton)in the 80s

"Nice Room- Ask for Movie" (what are the rest of the rooms like?) Dont know if the place is still there


At Tue Oct 10, 07:45:00 p.m., Blogger Amanda said...

Steve, I'd have to have a life for that to work!
Alex, as you can see still disorder and chaos.
SJ, yes
Taffy, do you get to see a movie of the nice room?

At Fri Oct 27, 08:18:00 p.m., Blogger ren powell said...

I'm with Alex, don't like the weeks measured out too predictably.

(and thanks for your vote!)


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